How CoPilot will accelerate maker enablement and why Governance is more important than ever.

With all the buzz around Microsoft Build this week, it’s hard to stay grounded in the reality when the possibilities seem endless. CoPilot is an incredible assistance tool for the Power Platform, but with great Power comes great responsibility! In this blog we will explore how CoPilot can be leveraged to accelerate maker enablement and … Continue reading How CoPilot will accelerate maker enablement and why Governance is more important than ever.

🧰 Setting up the CoE Starter Kit Part Two: Get your Environment Ready!

Next up, we need to find the right home for the CoE Starter Kit. There are a few simple rules we need to follow to ensure we provide the most optimal environment for the toolkit. πŸ”§πŸ”¨ Environment Requirements With support for the Teams version of the CoE no longer being supported or improved upon, I … Continue reading 🧰 Setting up the CoE Starter Kit Part Two: Get your Environment Ready!

🧰 Setting up the CoE Starter Kit Part One: Get your Service User Ready!

One of the biggest barriers to getting started with Governance for the Power Platform is gaining visibility over what your landscape currently looks like. Luckily, we have the Center of Excellence Starter Kit (affectionately known as the CoE starter kit πŸ’–) that contains a suite of tools to help Power Platform admins govern efficiently and … Continue reading 🧰 Setting up the CoE Starter Kit Part One: Get your Service User Ready!